Refer to the native CAD data
Select native CAD surface and features (such as many body parts in the hole and body) to customize your model, and then get optimization printing results.
Advanced control
According to the design requirements for optimize your model;Upset some surface, hardness difference, the agents as the main body in the model of the different choice of different filling pattern and density.
Custom holes
According to your choice of insert to reset and reinforcing the geometry of the hole structure.Or, select a hole and turn it to support itself, by the back of the manufacturing operations.
You can update process at any time;Click on the surface or the main body, make changes, then print the updated tool path.
Using the adaptive slicing shortening the time of printing
Adaptive slicing is a new software functions, can automatically change the parts within the section height, thus while maintaining the parts quality and intensity of shortening the time of printing.Now, print high resolution parts of speed increased by 24% on average.